Thursday, October 8, 2009

Picnic love!!

Hellooo to everyone after a very crazy but fabulous week!! So this weekend I am having a picnic in the park with some girlfriends and thought something like this would be so awesome and cute!! Surrounded by champers,delicious desserts and all kinds of other delectable goodies!! Oh and dont forget the super-sweet accessories!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Aww,just how cute are these heart-shaped salad accessories!! Add some passion to that perfect picnic or candlelit dinner!!


I really enjoy wearing's just the most comfy thing ever and looks great with most shoes,but i am not the biggest fan of tights! Kinda reminds me of high school and it sooo made me itch in dodgy places!!

Anyway,what do you think of these geisha-tights from Liberty of London?? Love it or leave it?? In my opinion it is a definite no-no!! I just cant see any hotness happening here!!
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