Someone actually told me this weekend that during a recession people are far more likely to take a shopping list to the shops and then stick to it!! And seriously...they only buy what's on the list!! How do they do that??
I ventured out on Saturday morning,'since I needed a couple of basic thingies like sugar and coffee etc. and came home with fab,grey leather boots( they were on special!!) very funky studded heels, Max factor false lash effect mascara, a lovely floral top, a couple of pretty,floral bangles and SUPER expensive eye-cream(the sales assistant told me it has botox in and apparently i need it...!!!)
So,I say ditch the list!! You only live once!!
Love my floral top and bangles...just right for spring!!

Also love these flower power cushions!! And I really wouldn't mind this glam Flamenco Coal beach bag by Anne Spade!!

ok those bracelets and shirt are gorgeous! So pretty!! the colors? I die. and I agree with ditching the list! great stuff!